In one of our regular Tuesday meetings Jeela told me she made a dress. I called it sheer thrills dress she said and put it on. Yep! It was really sheer and amazing!
One thing I learned these past years in SL and with Jeela is how different we see things her and me. It could be culture, our family values or just something else I really don’t know. But when it comes to nudity she is really American and I am really Swedish. To be really honest I might be a bit more open minded than Swedes are generally and Jeela is more open minded than most Americans. Jeela even laughs and say “You are sooo Swedish Yeti!” when we speak about these things. Where I think, hey lets make it skimpier, she holds back and then sometimes it’s just the opposite. In a country where so many movies are made with nude scenes, and “little brother Sweden” follows the great US, you think you should meet a lot of free thinkers about nudity… no? Jeela is not prude but she has to explain to me from time to time how the Americans think. Does it sound like the Swedes are running naked on the streets all the time? We are certainly not but in a way maybe not as prude as other parts of the world.
I can see all the IM’s I’m going to get now from people in SL. LOL
Well it’s my experience… RIGHT?
We talked about if we needed this dress in variants of translucency and decided to make 4 different dresses. For those who like it really sheer but don’t dare to wear it with nothing underneath Jeela made a gorgeous bra and panties and she also made stockings. All the details that look like lace is hand painted. Yes every single little dot. No photos here! She also made it tintable and modifiable so you can change it over and over in any colour you like for the evening. Pst… wanna know a secret?? The darker you make it the more sheer it gets!
I personally like the white solid with the bra, panties, gloves and stockings. It makes me think of a wedding underneath the cherry trees in full bloom a warm evening in the sunset. But… all sheer in black with nothing underneath in a hot steamy club at 3 pm is cool too.
As usual I went out in SL to see if I got any reaction on this dress and I can tell you I did! I was wearing the white dress not too sheer and with the underwear. Some of you think I got reactions from men huh? Not in this case. This was a totally unexpected reaction from my side. LOL! I’m not going to tell you where I was but I can tell you I was in a store. I knew what I came for and went straight in to grab what I needed. When I came there I said Hi to the shop assistant. It’s important for me to do that. So many days I have been standing at Boingo rearranging things or adding a vendor with my tag on and people come in and don’t even say hi. How hard can it be?
Well I got in said Hi and went for the things. The girl was very kind to me and talked in open chat. Suddenly I got an IM from her. She told me I looked lovely in my… hmmm…
underwear… but asked me to think about the other customers and then kindly asked me to put clothes on. I must have sounded like a nutcase when I answered her. “Its not underwear it’s a dress”. Then I started laughing in front of my computer. I didn’t laugh at her but at my own reaction. What Jeela and I discussed was a dress. It never struck my mind it looked like I was out shopping only in my underwear! I grabbed the stuff, apologized, gave her an LM to our store and left. I still haven’t even told Jeela about this cos I felt like a fool. I never see my avatar Yeti as myself, I mean as the woman behind Yeti. For me Yeti is pixels and only that and I am never shy or embarrassed even if Yeti naked. She is my creation and I only use her as a tool in SL and in her you meet my personality. But I see it as a compliment that Jeela made such great skins it looks real even if she didn’t use any photos but hand painted it all from scratch.
If you want to use this dress as a petticoat, bustier or chemise under your evening gown please do. It comes in all layers.
I’ll say it again. Click on this picture and look at all the details. Jeela painted it all and don’t it look great?!
//Yeti, the demure shopoholic…